Monday, December 24, 2007

Library 2.0

As I'm not a librarian, my response to the whole thing is probably more of a customer's view. I am in favor of change and moving with the times and though it is difficult to implement change in organziations, this is a necessary idea. Seeing as libraries are a service industry and HAVE to have customers in order to stay funded I can't believe there is debate about this. I worked in a branch that basically served as a computer station. NO ONE ever checked out a book and most of the questions directed to the librarians were about the copy machine and where they could fax. In an ideal world, libraries shouldn't have to jump through hoops to keep their doors open, but there is also the reality that people don't read like they used to, especially kids. Therefore, getting kids and those who spend more time on the computer than in a book into a library is going to require something like Library 2.0.

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